To improve your world in a sustainable is only 1% away. Improving by 1% isn’t particularly notable, in fact sometimes it isn’t even noticeable, but it can be far more meaningful and impactful than one realises. The difference a tiny improvement can make over time is astounding.
Imagine the compounding effect of you doing something better each day of your life, even if that something is just a fractional i.e. 1% improvement. Doesn't seem like much at the beginning but you will be pleasantly surprised when you do the maths. Here’s how the math works out: if you can get 1% better each day for one year, you’ll end up 37 times better by the time you’re done. At Masterclass and Common Sense, we take this notion seriously and we have chosen to deliver Masterclasses that will help you do just this.
Experiential learning is an effective and efficient way of receiving and digesting new knowledge and skills.
We have joined together a community of like-minded people who are willing to show you their genius so you can apply some of it too. Our vision:
The members of this community are there to give back, they are all willing to actively share insights that help each other succeed. The improvement of one member is the improvement of the collective.
If you are a master of your domain and want to share your genius and also want to improve your world, then Masterclass and Common Sense is the community for you.
By signing up to Masterclass and Common Sense, you will find an abundance of practical insights, fulfilling experiences and unique engagement right at your fingertips.
For believing that our value is because of who we are, not what we do.